Monday, February 29, 2016

Miss Lessie


This week we were finally able to get in with our potential investigator Lashanna. Every time we have tried, it just hadn't worked out. But she finally called us and said she would DEFINITELY be at home that night. So we go and she invites us into the living room to wait and talk to her three young boys as she does something in the kitchen. Well, we ended up waiting for 30 minutes. We kept asking if she needed help and she just kept telling us to sit and relax. Finally she comes in carrying trays and trays of food. Fried chicken, hot wings, meatballs, mini sandwiches, chips and dip, fruit trays, & drinks. We were so overwhelmed. Haha that's southern hospitality for you though. The lesson ended up going great and we are seeing her and her boys later this week!

We have been visiting this cute 93 year old lady in our ward named miss Lessie Pearl. She is seriously darling. After our visit with her we asked her if we could take a picture with her she responded with "are you building a garden??" We look at her a little confused and then she continued saying, "do you need a scarecrow?" "NO MISS LESSIE! You're the cutest lady ever!" I love her. If i could take her back to Utah with me I would.

Last preparation day we went to see the tree that owns itself. Like, the tree literally owns itself. Weird. But awesome.


Love, Sister Merritt

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